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Search Results for "Remembering President Bush’s First Pitch at Yankee Stadium After 9"
Remembering President Bush’s First Pitch at Yankee Stadium After 9/11
President Bush throws the first pitch of Game 3 of the 2001 World Series
George W. Bush's First Pitch In 2001 - Bill Burr
Former Pres. George W. Bush speaks from Ground Zero in 2001 | ABC News
Former President Clinton reads note left by George H.W. Bush: 'I love that letter'
From the archives: George W. Bush addresses Congress after 9/11 attacks in 2001
Remembering President Bush’s First Pitch at Yankee Stadium After 9 11
9/11: George Bush breaks down his very public initial reaction - BBC
2001 WS Gm4: Lee Greenwood sings "God Bless the USA"
WS2017 Gm5: Former presidents throw first pitch
Ex-CIA director on flying with George W. Bush after 9/11
Behind the scenes: In Sarasota classroom, Bush learns of Sept. 11th attack